Tarana Wireless, Inc.

Author Archives: twadmin

Real World Performance: G1 vs. 3GPP

An operator recently decided to do a head-to-head comparison between Tarana’s G1 and a leading 3GPP vendor’s fixed wireless system. The results speak for themselves to the power of G1’s true ngFWA instantiation. … Read More

G1 Commercial Launch – October 2021

Tarana G1x2 Launch Event – April 2023

Tarana G1+6 Launch Event – October 2023

Commercially Deploy 6 GHz Today with Tarana – March 2024

Protecting Yourself from a BEAD Overbuild

The US BEAD broadband funding program is both an opportunity and a risk for operators. Tarana can help operators whose networks are at risk of being overbuilt by BEAD broadband funding. … Read More

Broadband Breakfast: The Time is Now for 100% Broadband Access in the U.S.

E-ACAM and Tarana

Learn how Tarana Wireless’ Gigabit 1 (G1) enables providers to meet E-ACAM requirements that would be unfeasible with other technologies. … Read More

Dgtl Infra — Next-Generation Fixed Wireless Access (ngFWA): Bridging the Digital Divide

Dgtl Infra explores how ngFWA stands as a catalyst for change, offering to bridge the digital divide with its high-speed, cost-effective, and reliable broadband internet access. … Read More

CalMatters — For California to Achieve Universal Broadband Access, Every Technology Should Be Considered

Carl Guardino urges the CPUC to consider alternative technologies in their efforts to close California’s digital divide, pointing out the significant limitations of their current fiber-only strategy. … Read More