Tarana Wireless, Inc.

Author Archives: twadmin

Tarana Academy: What makes a great link?

A fixed wireless network is only as good as its links. We take a closer look at alignment and pathloss, and how to get the most out of your Tarana ngFWA Gigabit 1 (G1) platform. … Read More

Tarana Wireless Joins Connecting Alaska Consortium

The organizations will partner to ensure Alaska’s families have access to affordable, reliable, high-speed broadband. … Read More

CLATA Telecom Brings Tarana’s ngFWA Broadband Technology to African Service Providers

CLATA Telecom and Tarana announce their partnership to deliver Gigabit 1 (G1) to network operators throughout Africa. … Read More

Carl Guardino on The Undivide Project Podcast

Hear Carl Guardino, our VP of Government Affairs and Public Policy, on this episode of The Undivide Project podcast as he discusses his why, Tarana’s mission, and more … Read More

Introducing Tarana G1+6 GHz

The new 6 GHz G1 brings together 850 MHz of new spectrum and Tarana’s field-proven innovations in fiber-class wireless broadband. … Read More

Tarana Announces Gigabit ngFWA in Unlicensed 6 GHz

G1 technology paired with new spectrum delivers pervasive, high-speed, reliable broadband … Read More

/private redirect

Tarana Wins Two of Light Reading’s 2023 Leading Lights Awards

We are honored to win this year’s awards for Company of the Year (Private) and Digital Equity All-Stars! … Read More

Next-Generation Fixed Wireless for Municipalities

Tarana Wireless is partnering with municipalities to bring new services and opportunities through next-generation fixed wireless access (ngFWA) to rapidly and cost-effectively meet their broadband goals. … Read More
