Tarana Wireless, Inc.


Real World Performance: G1 vs. 3GPP

An operator recently decided to do a head-to-head comparison between Tarana’s G1 and a leading 3GPP vendor’s fixed wireless system. The results speak for themselves to the power of G1’s true ngFWA instantiation. … Read More

Protecting Yourself from a BEAD Overbuild

The US BEAD broadband funding program is both an opportunity and a risk for operators. Tarana can help operators whose networks are at risk of being overbuilt by BEAD broadband funding. … Read More

E-ACAM and Tarana

Learn how Tarana Wireless’ Gigabit 1 (G1) enables providers to meet E-ACAM requirements that would be unfeasible with other technologies. … Read More

Is Wireless Bad for You?

Wireless devices are everywhere, but are they safe? We examine the 3 major considerations commonly used to determine the risks of wireless radiation. … Read More

Tarana Academy: What makes a great link? Part 2

A fixed wireless network is only as good as its links. We take a closer look at interference and how TCS supplies useful metrics to monitor your G1 network. … Read More

Tarana Academy: What makes a great link?

A fixed wireless network is only as good as its links. We take a closer look at alignment and pathloss, and how to get the most out of your Tarana ngFWA Gigabit 1 (G1) platform. … Read More

Introducing Tarana G1+6 GHz

The new 6 GHz G1 brings together 850 MHz of new spectrum and Tarana’s field-proven innovations in fiber-class wireless broadband. … Read More

Next-Generation Fixed Wireless for Municipalities

Tarana Wireless is partnering with municipalities to bring new services and opportunities through next-generation fixed wireless access (ngFWA) to rapidly and cost-effectively meet their broadband goals. … Read More

Next-Generation Fixed Wireless: A Greener Future

With next-generation fixed wireless, operators can create high-performance broadband networks with extended service lifetimes, cost-effective scalability, and low carbon emissions compared to alternative technologies … Read More

Connecting Tribal Communities with Next-Generation Fixed Wireless

Tarana Wireless is partnering with tribal communities to bring new services and opportunities through next-generation fixed wireless access (ngFWA) to rapidly and cost-effectively meet their broadband goals. … Read More