Tarana Wireless, Inc.


Rural Economic Opportunities with Next-Generation FWA

Pervasive broadband access represents an unmatched economic development opportunity that brings well-paying jobs and new business to rural communities. Next-generation fixed wireless lets communities realize these benefits faster and more affordably than any other technology. … Read More

Customer Highlight: Crowsnest Broadband

Hear from Dwayne Zimmerman of Crowsnest Broadband about why he picked Tarana’s G1 for his noisiest, most challenging links to increase speeds and drive higher ARPU. … Read More

A Comparison of Next-Generation FWA vs. LEO Satellite

Low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite networks have become a popular way to deliver broadband in the most inaccessible places on Earth. Although it’s tempting to imagine satellites are a panacea for broadband everywhere, a look at the numbers reveals a different story. … Read More

A Comparison of Next-Generation FWA vs. 3GPP

Mobile networks are excellent at delivering mobile services. When it comes to FWA, however, they lack the performance and scalability of G1. Only G1 is purpose-built to deliver fixed wireless access at scale and with gigabit speeds. … Read More

Next-Generation FWA: Built to Last

Network in-service lifetime is a thorny problem that requires addressing future needs in terms of speed, capacity, reliability, backward compatibility, and total cost of ownership. G1 solves these problems and extends the useful lifetime of a network well beyond what is possible with legacy systems. … Read More

ngFWA vs Fiber: TCO Analysis

ngFWA delivers gigabit speeds at a fraction of the cost of other technologies, making it a cost-effective complement to fiber, and a solution for endgame broadband. … Read More

Technology Neutral vs. Technology Equitable

It’s time to shift the conversation from being technology neutral in deploying broadband funding to instead being technology equitable to ensure all customers have the same quality of experience when accessing the internet. … Read More

ngFWA: Technology That Keeps Customers Connected

An operator recently experienced a major outage but, thanks to his ngFWA-powered network, many G1 customers stayed connected where those on other equipment did not. … Read More

Navigating Government Infrastructure Funding:  USDA Community Connect and ReConnect

The US is going through an unprecedented level of funding to improve broadband connectivity and digital equity for Americans. We explain two programs from the USDA: Community Connect and ReConnect. … Read More

Waiting (and Waiting) for Broadband

Operators looking to apply for funding need to be aware of the long lead times that it might take to fully deploy high-speed broadband. Technology choice is a significant factor. … Read More