Tarana Wireless, Inc.


Deploying Reliable Wireless Broadband for BEAD

U.S. WISPs looking to apply for BEAD funding need to be aware of what defines a reliable fixed-wireless network. We look at some of the options available. … Read More

NMSurf: Overcoming Obstacles Using ngFWA

Thanks to ngFWA, NMSurf is able to make better, faster connections that were impossible before G1. … Read More

A Real-world Study of NLoS Links

We studied 20 different markets to see how easy it was to achieve line-of-sight. Turns out, LoS is harder than most people think. … Read More


The Hidden Costs of Connectivity

The cost to provide broadband can be substantial for both operators and subscribers. G1 is a cost-effective solution for both. … Read More

Wireless is Essential for a Balanced Broadband Diet

Done right, wireless is a fantastic complement to traditional fiber deployments for rapid deployment of gigabit-class broadband. … Read More

Another Day, Another Truck Roll, Another Missed Opportunity

Repeat truck rolls are the bane of any operator’s existence. Tarana G1 can help reduce truck rolls, improve customer satisfaction, and gain new business. … Read More

The Problem with Repurposed Wi-Fi: Part 2

Wi-Fi is great for primarily indoor and home networks but when it comes to fixed wireless, Wi-Fi’s marketing hype doesn’t live up to its promise. … Read More

Renew, Reuse, Recycle: Spectral Reuse and You

G1 is a game changer when it comes to eliminating interference, reducing radio planning complexity, and spectrum costs. k=1 spectrum reuse is key to delivering these benefits. … Read More

Navigating Government Infrastructure Funding: CARES, FFCRA, ARPA

The US is going through an unprecedented level of funding to improve broadband connectivity and digital equity for Americans. Navigating the many agencies and programs can be tricky.

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The Problem with Repurposed Wi-Fi: Part 1

A look at why Wi-Fi is not the best choice when it comes to fixed wireless access technology.

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