Tarana Wireless, Inc.

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Real World Performance: G1 vs. 3GPP

An operator recently decided to do a head-to-head comparison between Tarana’s G1 and a leading 3GPP vendor’s fixed wireless system. The results speak for themselves to the power of G1’s true ngFWA instantiation. … Read More

G1 Commercial Launch – October 2021

Tarana G1x2 Launch Event – April 2023

Tarana G1+6 Launch Event – October 2023

Commercially Deploy 6 GHz Today with Tarana – March 2024

Protecting Yourself from a BEAD Overbuild

The US BEAD broadband funding program is both an opportunity and a risk for operators. Tarana can help operators whose networks are at risk of being overbuilt by BEAD broadband funding. … Read More

Broadband Breakfast: The Time is Now for 100% Broadband Access in the U.S.

E-ACAM and Tarana

Learn how Tarana Wireless’ Gigabit 1 (G1) enables providers to meet E-ACAM requirements that would be unfeasible with other technologies. … Read More